Thursday, October 21, 2010

I lost a dear cousin last month, and I wanted to make something for her... As a japanese tradition, when someone passes away, relatives and friends give money to help to pay the expenses of the funeral (kouden). In return the family gives a gift (okaeshi) usually given on the 49 th day memorial cerimony.
And this will be one of the gifts...
I choose the chinese knot that means good luck, the green color of the beads meaning healthy, the white color meaning peace and the origami crane meaning long life and happiness...

It wasnt so hard to make those, the problem was that I had to go shopping 3 times for the stuff... I wish I was smart and buy everything only in one trip!!!

for now I have one hundred ... 200 to go!!!

final work... Im sure that if my cousin was here she would like it!!!

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