Few years ago I decided that it was time to lear how to use a sew machine, at that time I didn't want to spend money buying X-mas presents and I thought it would be nice if I could make my presents.
One thing that I thought it would be easy project was a tote bag, I must say that I made a mess but in the end I came with something near a tote bag!! and I became a bit ambicious and decided to make a bag, I looked over the net and found this site, and it didn't seem so hard to make one.
So I started the first one, and then something went wrong...
To cool down a bit I start another project which was my brother's present, as he was always in bussiness trips I made him a toiletbag and it was way much easier to make! (unfortunately I dont have photos)
Back to the bag... started the second one... something wrong again!!!
Third one.... almost giving up!!!
Finally the forth one was ok, and became my sister's X-mas present (dont have the photo either), after having succeed in that bag I began others projects...
This year while I was organizing my fabrics I found the 3 bags I had started and never finished, as I was much more familiar with the sew machine I tried to fix the mistakes and see what I could save... so.. here are the bags.
well... didnt turn so bad afterall but in this photos you can't really see how it really looks... anyways, better than I would expect!!!